Episode 74: The Trust
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroTrust, Cage, Cage film, Nicolas, NicolasCage, NicCage, NIc, NickCage, NicholasCage, TheTrust, The Trust, Wood, ElijahWood, Elijah Wood, Las Vegas, 2016, Brewer, Alex Brewer, Benjamin Brewer, Brewer Brothers, Hirsch, Adam Hirsch, Ferreira, Sky Ferreira, Face Off, Face/Off, Wisdom, Cagey, podcast, PodernFamily, podcasts, LadyPodSquad, Podnation, A3e, Podern Family, Lady Pod Squad, pod, cast, CagesKiss, Cages Kiss, Cage's Kiss, Nicolas Cage Podcast, cage podcast, Cage pod, Cage cast
Episode 62: Trespass
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNic Cage, Cage, Nicolas Cage, NicCage, NicolasCage, podcast, podcasts, pods, casts, PodNation, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodernFamily, Podern Family, Schumacher, Trespass, Nicole Kidman, Kidman, NicoleKidman, Mendelsohn, BenMendelsohn, Ben Mendolsehn
Episode 61: Seeking Justice
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroSeekingJustice, Seeking Justice, Justice, JanuaryJones, January Jones, Jones, Cage, NicCage, Nic Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, podcast, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, podcasts, movie, movie reviews, review, reviews, cinema, cinephile, Pearce, Guy Pearce, GuyPearce, HaroldPerrineau, Harold Perrineau, Perrineau, JenniferCarpenter, Carpenter, Jennifer Carpenter, singleton, pere, Berkeley, Brown, Tulaine, Chrest, Bridges, Davis, RogerDonaldson, Roger Donaldson, Donaldson, Robert Tannen, RobertTannen, Tannen, Todd Hickey, ToddHickey, Hickey
Episode 50: Werewolf Women of the SS & Next
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNicolasCage, NicCage, Cage, podcast, podcasts, movie, movies, review, reviews, film, films, PodernFamily, Ladypodsquad, Nicolas Cage, Nic Cage, movie review, movie reviews, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Next, WerewolfWomenofTheSS, Werewolf Women of the SS, Grindhouse, trailer, AliceKim, Alice Kim, Jessica Biel, JessicaBiel, Biel, JulianneMoore, Moore, Tamahori, LeeTamahori, Lee Tamohori, PhilipKDick, Philip K Dick, Philip K. Dick, Dick, Beaver, JimBeaver, Jim Beaver, RobZombie, Rob Zombie, Kim, AliceKimCage, Alice Kim Cage
Episode 44: Lord of War
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, NicCage, Nic Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, Nic, Nicolas, LordofWar, Lord of War, Sutherland, snuff blog, mom kiss porn, kiss porn, guns, arms, mandel, Jared Leto, JaredLeto, Leto, film, movie, movies, review, reviews, offensive, war, 3FatNerds, 3 Fat Nerds, 3FN, Ukraine, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, podcast, podcasts, cinema, cinephile, fans, fan, cagefan, Cage fan, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NIcolasCagePod, NicolasCagePodcast, NicCagePod, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Pod, Nic Cage Podcast, CagePod, Cage Pod, CagePodcast, Cage Podcast
Episode 43: National Treasure
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, Nic Cage, NicCage, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, National Treasure, NationalTreasure, Coppola, Voight, Keitel, Turtletaub, Bean, Kruger, bartha, Disney, Plummer, Fisher, Kouf, Wibberley, Aviv, Segars, 2004, Cage'sKiss, CagesKiss, Cage's Kiss, Cages Kiss, movie, movies, movie review, movie reviews, moviereview, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodernFamily, Podern Family, PodNation, PodPeople, Secret Yeti, SecretYeti, Bill Pullman, BillPullman, Pullman, ghoulies, Stallone, film, films, cinema, cinephile, In a World, InAWorld, Comedy, family, podcast, podcasts
Teaser for Our Bonus Episode: "One Degree of Cage"
Movies, ComedyLinda Castropodcast, arquette, Patreon, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Nightmare on Elm Street 3, NightmareOnElmStreet3, Dream Warriors, DreamWarriors, Dokken, podcasts, True Romance, TrueRomance, Scott, Langenkamp, Langencamp, Freddy, Slater, Hopper, Tarantino, Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, NicCage, Nicholas Cage, NicholasCage, Nick Cage, NickCage, Bonus, movie, movies, review, behind the scenes, behindthescenes, behind-the-scenes, history, film, films, cinema, acting, dingdong, ding dong
Episode 42: Matchstick Men
Comedy, MoviesLinda Castropodcast, podcasts, niccage, niccagepod, niccagepodcast, Nic Cage, nicolascage, nicolascagepod, nicolascagepodcast, Nicolas Cage, NicholasCage, Nicholas Cage, nickcage, Nick Cage, Matchstick Men, MatchstickMen, Lohman, Rockwell, Coppola, Scott, RidleyScott, Ridley Scott, Garcia, Griffin, Altman, McGill, movie, movies, review, reviews, film, films, cinema, cinematic, cinephile, onetruegod, One True God, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodernFamily, Podern Family, 2003, behindthescenes, behind the scenes, makingof, making of, making-of, con artist, conartist, conman, con man, long con, longcon, crime, long lost daughter, longlostdaughter, daughter, father, dinosaurs
Episode 41: Adaptation
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, podcast, podcasts, niccage, Nic Cage, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, NickCage, Nick Cage, NicCagePod, Nic Cage Pod, NicolasCagePod, Nicholas Cage, NicholasCage, Nicholas Cage Pod, NicholasCagePod, Adaptation, Streep, Cooper, Jonze, Orlean, Blaxsploitation, DeNiro, Pacino, Betty White, BettyWhite, masturbation, bath, Kaufman, Kauffman, Swinton, Jones, orchids, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, movies, movie, review, reviews, films, film, cinema, acting, comedy
Episode 40: Sonny
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNic Cage, NicCage, Nic Cage Pod, niccagepod, Nic Cage podcast, niccagepodcast, podcast, podcasts, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePod, NicolasCagePodcast, Cage, CagePod, CagePodcast, Carlen, Stanton, Blethyn, Suvari, Cassel, Vaccaro, Davis, Caan, Metcalf, Franco, James Franco, JamesFranco, ScottCaan, Scott Caan, Brenda Blethyn, Harry Dean Stanton, Mena Suvari, Sonny, gigolo, prostitute, prostitution, directing
Episode 39: Windtalkers
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, NicCage, NicolasCage, podcast, podcasts, NicCagePod, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Pod, Nic Cage Podcast, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Podcast, Cage Pod, CagePod, Cage Podcast, CagePodcast, Willie, Beach, Windtalkers, cinema, film, movie, Navajo, Ruffalo, Woo, Slater, Stormare, Rice, Batteer, WWII, World War II, War, Japanese, racism
Episode 38: A Christmas Carol
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, Nic Cage, NicCage, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, podcast, pod, podcasts, NicCagepodcast, NicolasCagePodcast, Nicolas Cage Podcast, Nic Cage Podcast, niccagepod, nic cage pod, NicolasCagePod, Nicolas Cage Pod, Callow, Gambon, Murakami, ChristmasCarol, Christmas Carol, Christmas, Carol, Llewellyn, Kroon, Winslet, Horrocks, Stevenson, McFarlane, Ifans, Jones, Cox, Wickham, Scrooge, Fizziwig
Episode 36: The Family Man (2000)
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, niccage, Nic Cage, Cagecast, Cage podcast, CagePod, CagePodcast, Cage pod, Nic Cage Pod, Nic Cage Podcast, NicCagePod, NicCagePodcast, podcast, podcasts, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Family Man, PodernFamily, Podern Family, FamilyMan, The Family Man, TheFamilyMan, Leoni, Piven, Cheadle, Thornhill, Hurt, Presnell, Ratner, Diamond, Weissman, film, films, movie, movies, cinema, cinephile, movie review, movie reviews, review, reviews, critique, Osmond, Osment, Osment wig
Episode 32: Snake Eyes
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, Nic Cage, niccage, Nic Cage Podcast, niccagepodcast, Nicolas Cage, nicolascage, nicolascagepodcast, Nicolas Cage Podcast, podcast, podcasts, PodernFamily, Podern Family, Lady Pod Squad, ladypodsquad, Sinise, Snake Eyes, snakeeyes, snake, Heard, Gugino, Shaw, Dunn, Dunne, Santoro, comedy, DePalma, De Palma, movie, cinephile, cinema, 10ish, podpeople, pod people, Secret Yeti, secretyeti, castro, roberts, smith, cageskiss, cage'skiss, Cage's Kiss, Cages Kiss, cage, cagemovies, cagemovie, cage movies, cage silm, cage films, cage film, onetruegod, one true god, cage fan, cage fans, cagefan, cagefans, coppola, Guzman, Koepp
Episode 30: Superman Lives
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNic Cage, Cage, NicCage, niccage, niccagepod, niccagepodcast, nic cage podcast, nicolascage, nicolascagepod, nicolascagepodcast, Tim Burton, timburton, jonpeters, superman, supermanlives, deathofsupermanlives, Superman Lives, Death of Superman Lives, smith, kevinsmith, Kevin Smith, podcast, podcasts, cage'skiss, Cage's Kiss, cageskiss, cages kiss, gilroy, strick, brom, neutron, cig neutron, cigneutron, brainiac, doomsday, death of superman, deathofsuperman, lois lane, loislane
Episode 29: Face/Off
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, NicCage, Nic Cage, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Podcast, NicCagePod, Nic Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePodcast, NicolasCagePod, Nicolas Cage Pod, Face/Off, Face Off, FaceOff, Travolta, CagePodcast, Cage Podcast, Nic Cage movie, Joe Bob Briggs, JoeBobBriggs, JoanAllen, Joan Allen, JohnWoo, Woo, John Woo, ThomasJane, Thomas Jane, Nivola, Gershon, Connery, Wood, Swain, Cassavetes, Feore, Presnell, Cho, Pounder, Podcast, podcasts, pod, PodernFamily, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Podern Family, 90, Flanagan, Werb, Colleary, Action, ScienceFiction, Science Fiction, Scifi, Sci fi, Sci/fi, Sci-fi