Episode 85 - Looking Glass: Blucas and the Bandit
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNicolasCagePodcast, NicolasCagePod, NicolasCageCast, Nicolas Cage Podcast, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Cast, NicCagePodcast, NicCagePod, NicCageCast, Nic Cage Podcast, Nic Cage Pod, Nic Cage Cast, Podcast, pod, cast, TeamWhistle, Team Whistle, RobinTunney, Tunney, Robin Tunney, Nicolas Cage, Nic Cage, NicolasCage, NicCage, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodernFamily, Podern Family, PodNation, PodcastMovement, Podcast Movement, Looking Glass, LookingGlass, MarcBlucas, Marc Blucas, podcast, NicholasCage, Nicholas Cage, Nick Cage, NickCage, movie, ErnieLively, Ernie Lively, Livey, Blucas, Tim Hunter, Hunter, TimHunter, Rapp, JerryRapp, Jerry Rapp, a3c, apodalypse, straight-to-video, straight-to-dvd, straight-to-streaming
Episode 84 - Mandy: Panos Hands of Fate
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNicolasCagePodcast, NicolasCage, NicCage, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePod, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Cast, NicolasCageCast, Cage Movie, Cage, Nic Cage, Nicolas Cage, NicCgae, NickCage, Nick Cage, Nicholas Cage, NicholasCage, Panos Cosmatos, Cosmatos, PanosCosmatos, Aaron Steward Ahn, Aaron Stewart-Ahn, AaronSteward-Ahn, AaronStewartAhn, Ahn, Stewart-Ahn, StewartAhn, Roache, LinusRoache, Linus Roache, Casper Kelly, Kelly, CasperKelly, Riseborough, Andrea Riseborough, AndreaRiseborough, Dennehy, NedDennehy, Ned Dennehy, Fouéré, Olwen Fouéré, OlwenFouéré, Duke, Bill Duke, BillDuke, Pillet, Julemont, Baronnet, Fraser, Dimitrov, Saywell, Kerin, HeavyMetal, Heavy Metal, George P. Cosmatos, GeorgePCosmatos, GeorgeCosmatos, George Cosmatos, George P Cosmatos, podcast, cast, pod, Podnation, PodernFamily, Podern Family, Pod Movement, PodMovement, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodNation, Pod Nation, Vertical Networks, VerticalNetworks, TeamWhistle, Team Whistle, Mandy, horror, Fangoria, horror movies, horrormovies, horror movie, horrormovie, review, reviews, film, cinema, cinephile, fan, fans, shudder, comedy podcast, comedy, commentary
Episode 83 - The Humanity Bureau: The Huge Manatee Wardrobe
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, NicCage, Nic Cage, NickCage, Nick Cage, NicholasCage, Nicholas Cage, Humanity, The Humanity Bureau, Bureau, HumanityBureau, Humanity Bureau, Rob W. King, Rob King, King, RobWKing, RobKing, Schultz, Dave Schultz, DaveSchultz, TheHumanityBureau, Lind, Sarah Lind, SarahLind, Jakob Davies, Davies, JakobDavies, 2018, review, reviews, film, movie, moviereview, movie review, film review, filmreview, cinema, bad movie, badmovie, future, Dillon, Hugh Dillon, HughDillon, Vicellous Shannon, Shannon, VicellousShannon, Vicellous, Runte, Klyne, Filipovic, Cages Kiss, CagesKiss, Cage's Kiss, Cage'sKiss, Benning, Brooks, Bryant, Falconer, Fawaz, Godfrey, Griffithe, Taylor, White, Young, podcast, pod, cast, Nicolas Cage Pod, NicolasCagePod, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePodcast, Comedy, TV & Film, TV&Film, TV and Film, TVandFilm, Unwell, Podnation, Pod Nation, PodPeople, Pod People, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, a3c, apocalypse, apodalypse
Episode 74: The Trust
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroTrust, Cage, Cage film, Nicolas, NicolasCage, NicCage, NIc, NickCage, NicholasCage, TheTrust, The Trust, Wood, ElijahWood, Elijah Wood, Las Vegas, 2016, Brewer, Alex Brewer, Benjamin Brewer, Brewer Brothers, Hirsch, Adam Hirsch, Ferreira, Sky Ferreira, Face Off, Face/Off, Wisdom, Cagey, podcast, PodernFamily, podcasts, LadyPodSquad, Podnation, A3e, Podern Family, Lady Pod Squad, pod, cast, CagesKiss, Cages Kiss, Cage's Kiss, Nicolas Cage Podcast, cage podcast, Cage pod, Cage cast
Episode 66: Frozen Ground
Comedy, MoviesLinda Castropodcast, pod, cast, Cage, NicCage, Nic Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, Nick Cage, Nicholas Cage, NickCage, NicholasCage, FrozenGround, Frozen Ground, John Cusack, JohnCusack, Cusack, Vanessa Hudgens, VanessaHudgens, Norris, Mantegna, Forgit, dunn, serial killer, serialkiller, serial, killer, alaska, comedy, film, films, movie, movies, review, reviews, cinema, cinephile, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodNation, Pod Nation, Henenlotter, Frankenhooker
Episode 60: Drive Angry
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, Nicolas, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, Nicholas Cage, NicholasCage, podcast, pod, cast, Cagecast, Nic, NicCage, Nic Cage, Nick Cage, NickCage, DriveAngry, Drive Angry, Heard, Morse, Fichtner, Burke, Farmer, Shiz, 2011, Hell, Demon, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodernFamily, Podern Family, PodNation, Pod Nation, Seattle, WilliamFichtner, William Fichtner, Billy Burke, BillyBurke, David Morse, DavidMorse, Todd Farmer, ToddFarmer, Hot50, Hot 50, Amber Heard, AmberHeard
Episode 59: Season of the Witch
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, Nicolas, Nic, Nicholas, Nick, NicCage, NickCage, Nic Cage, Nick Cage, NicolasCage, NicholasCage, Nicolas Cage, Nicholas Cage, podcast, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, PodNation, Pod Nation, RobertSheehan, Robert Sheehan, Sheehan, Perlman, Graham, Thomsen, Foy, Lee, Witch, Wetch, Season of the Witch, SeasonOfTheWitch, Schut, Sena, Slime, slime porn, slime kiss, Cage's Kiss, Cages Kiss, CagesKiss, Cage'sKis, Cage'sKiss, Coppola, Copolla, demon, posession
Episode 58: The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Comedy, MoviesLinda Castropodcast, PodNation, Pod Nation, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, Cage, Nic, Nicolas, NicCage, Nic Cage, NickCage, Nick Cage, NicholasCage, Nicholas Cage, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Sorcerer'sApprentice, SorcerersApprentice, Sorcerers Apprentice, Sorcerer, Sorceror, Baruchel, Molina, Turtletaub
Teaser for Our Bonus Episode: "One Degree of Cage"
Movies, ComedyLinda Castropodcast, arquette, Patreon, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Nightmare on Elm Street 3, NightmareOnElmStreet3, Dream Warriors, DreamWarriors, Dokken, podcasts, True Romance, TrueRomance, Scott, Langenkamp, Langencamp, Freddy, Slater, Hopper, Tarantino, Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, NicCage, Nicholas Cage, NicholasCage, Nick Cage, NickCage, Bonus, movie, movies, review, behind the scenes, behindthescenes, behind-the-scenes, history, film, films, cinema, acting, dingdong, ding dong
Episode 41: Adaptation
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, podcast, podcasts, niccage, Nic Cage, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, NickCage, Nick Cage, NicCagePod, Nic Cage Pod, NicolasCagePod, Nicholas Cage, NicholasCage, Nicholas Cage Pod, NicholasCagePod, Adaptation, Streep, Cooper, Jonze, Orlean, Blaxsploitation, DeNiro, Pacino, Betty White, BettyWhite, masturbation, bath, Kaufman, Kauffman, Swinton, Jones, orchids, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, movies, movie, review, reviews, films, film, cinema, acting, comedy
Episode 37: Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, niccage, Cager, Nicolas Cage, NIcolasCage, Nic Cage, Coppola, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Mandolin, Captain Corellis Mandolin, Corelli, CaptainCorelli'sMandolin, CaptainCorellisMandolin, Penelope Cruz, PenélopeCruz, Penélope Cruz, PenelopeCruz, Cruz, John Hurt, JohnHurt, Hurt, Christian Bale, ChristianBale, Bale, NicholasCage, Nicholas Cage, podcast, pod, NickCage, Nick Cage, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePodcast, Nicolas Cage Podcast, film, films, movie, movies, review, cinema, cinephile, Cagefans, Cage fans, Cagefan, Cage fan, Madden, Slovo, Bernières, Bernieres, novel, Papas