Posts tagged movies
Episode 101 - History of Swear Words, Eps 1 & 2: Sh*t F*ck

Linda and Adrian toss some sugar and honey into Donnie's Ice tea, just before we poo out our episode and explore the majestic decency of the F word. Floccinaucinihilipilification

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Episode 100 - The Croods 2: 100 Episodes of Cagey Goodness

We’re celebrating Cagemas Day (our sweet baby boi’s birthday) and our 100th episode! Less exciting, we watched The Croods: A New Age. Donnie and Linda found it entertaining (though, not without its problems) while Adrian (as expected) hated everything about it.

Join us as we discuss the movie and take a moment to thank some patrons and friends.

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Episode 91: 2010 Recap

While Linda is still in a coma, the boys’ decide to recap Cage’s work from the 2010’s - of course, this means we’re almost caught up (EEK! What the hell are we going to do?! I don’t want to go! - Actually, don’t worry, we have a plan.)

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Ep82 - Mom and Dad: Infanticide Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry
Episode 73: Pay the Ghost: A Whirlwind of Dicks
Episode 72: The Runner
Episode 67: Joe
Episode 66: Frozen Ground
Episode 65: The Croods
Episode 64: Stolen
Episode 57: Kick-Ass w/Christian from Nerds With Friends!
Episode 50: Werewolf Women of the SS & Next