Posts tagged Nick Cage
Episode 100 - The Croods 2: 100 Episodes of Cagey Goodness

We’re celebrating Cagemas Day (our sweet baby boi’s birthday) and our 100th episode! Less exciting, we watched The Croods: A New Age. Donnie and Linda found it entertaining (though, not without its problems) while Adrian (as expected) hated everything about it.

Join us as we discuss the movie and take a moment to thank some patrons and friends.

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Episode 92: Color Out of Space

Linda has arisen from her grave to discuss ‘Color Out of Space’ and Steve from Speakcies shares his expert knowledge on the majestic Alpaca!
Check it out to learn more about Richard Stanley, Joely Richardson, alpacas, and H.P. Lovecraft’s original story!

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Episode 85 - Looking Glass: Blucas and the Bandit
Episode 84 - Mandy: Panos Hands of Fate
Episode 83 - The Humanity Bureau: The Huge Manatee Wardrobe
Episode 66: Frozen Ground
Episode 60: Drive Angry
Episode 59: Season of the Witch
Teaser for Our Bonus Episode: "One Degree of Cage"
Episode 42: Matchstick Men
Episode 41: Adaptation
Episode 37: Captain Corelli's Mandolin