Episode 44: Lord of War
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, NicCage, Nic Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage, Nic, Nicolas, LordofWar, Lord of War, Sutherland, snuff blog, mom kiss porn, kiss porn, guns, arms, mandel, Jared Leto, JaredLeto, Leto, film, movie, movies, review, reviews, offensive, war, 3FatNerds, 3 Fat Nerds, 3FN, Ukraine, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, podcast, podcasts, cinema, cinephile, fans, fan, cagefan, Cage fan, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NIcolasCagePod, NicolasCagePodcast, NicCagePod, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Pod, Nic Cage Podcast, CagePod, Cage Pod, CagePodcast, Cage Podcast
Episode 40: Sonny
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNic Cage, NicCage, Nic Cage Pod, niccagepod, Nic Cage podcast, niccagepodcast, podcast, podcasts, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePod, NicolasCagePodcast, Cage, CagePod, CagePodcast, Carlen, Stanton, Blethyn, Suvari, Cassel, Vaccaro, Davis, Caan, Metcalf, Franco, James Franco, JamesFranco, ScottCaan, Scott Caan, Brenda Blethyn, Harry Dean Stanton, Mena Suvari, Sonny, gigolo, prostitute, prostitution, directing
Episode 39: Windtalkers
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, NicCage, NicolasCage, podcast, podcasts, NicCagePod, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Pod, Nic Cage Podcast, Nicolas Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage Podcast, Cage Pod, CagePod, Cage Podcast, CagePodcast, Willie, Beach, Windtalkers, cinema, film, movie, Navajo, Ruffalo, Woo, Slater, Stormare, Rice, Batteer, WWII, World War II, War, Japanese, racism
Episode 36: The Family Man (2000)
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, niccage, Nic Cage, Cagecast, Cage podcast, CagePod, CagePodcast, Cage pod, Nic Cage Pod, Nic Cage Podcast, NicCagePod, NicCagePodcast, podcast, podcasts, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Family Man, PodernFamily, Podern Family, FamilyMan, The Family Man, TheFamilyMan, Leoni, Piven, Cheadle, Thornhill, Hurt, Presnell, Ratner, Diamond, Weissman, film, films, movie, movies, cinema, cinephile, movie review, movie reviews, review, reviews, critique, Osmond, Osment, Osment wig
Episode 29: Face/Off
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, NicCage, Nic Cage, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Podcast, NicCagePod, Nic Cage Pod, Nicolas Cage, NicolasCage, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePodcast, NicolasCagePod, Nicolas Cage Pod, Face/Off, Face Off, FaceOff, Travolta, CagePodcast, Cage Podcast, Nic Cage movie, Joe Bob Briggs, JoeBobBriggs, JoanAllen, Joan Allen, JohnWoo, Woo, John Woo, ThomasJane, Thomas Jane, Nivola, Gershon, Connery, Wood, Swain, Cassavetes, Feore, Presnell, Cho, Pounder, Podcast, podcasts, pod, PodernFamily, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Podern Family, 90, Flanagan, Werb, Colleary, Action, ScienceFiction, Science Fiction, Scifi, Sci fi, Sci/fi, Sci-fi
Episode 27: The Rock
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroNicolas Cage, Cage, podcast, Nicolas Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePodcast, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Podcast, CagePodcast, Cage Podcast, CageCast, Cage Cast, NicCast, Cage's Kiss, Cage'sKiss, Cages Kiss, CagesKiss, Nic Cage, NicCage, NicolasCage, Podern Family, PodernFamily, The Rock, TheRock, Rock, Connery, Bay, Sean Connery, SeanConnery, Michael Bay, MichaelBay, Harris, Ed Harris, EdHarris, Spencer, Morse, Forsythe, Michael Biehn, Biehn, McGinley, Todd, Tony Todd, TonyTodd, Skerritt, Woodbine, Weisberg, Cook, Rosner, Sorkin, Tarantino, Lady Pod Squad, LadyPodSquad, Castro, Smith, Roberts
Episode 26: Leaving Las Vegas
Comedy, MoviesLinda CastroCage, Nic Cage, NicCage, NicCagePodcast, Nic Cage Podcast, NicolasCagePodcast, Nicolas Cage Podcast, CagePodcast, Cage Podcast, Podcast, Cage's Kiss, Cage'sKiss, Cages Kiss, Nicolas Cage, Niccast, Nic Cast, Leaving Las Vegas, LeavingLasVegas, Shue, Sands, Cage films, Cagefilms, PodernFamily, Podern Family, LadyPodSquad, Lady Pod Squad, Alcohol, Cig Neutron, CigNeutron, @cigneutron, Catching Up With Cinema, CatchingUpWithCinema, @CatchingCinema, Challenge, Skid Ronan, SkidRonan, Figgis, DudleyMoore, Dudley Moore, Jack Lemon, JackLemon, Arthur, Days of Wine and Roses, DaysofWineandRoses, Chris Christopherson, ChrisChristopherson, Star is born, StarisBorn, Under the Volcano, UnderTheVolcano, Albert Finney, AlbertFinney, Tony Dingman, TonyDingman, Kristina Fulton, Fulton