Greetings and salutations!
This is Cage’s Kiss: The Nicolas Cage Podcast, where we discuss each of Nic Cage’s cinematic masterpieces and his life. We also try to glean whatever kernels of cagey wisdom we can find from his characters. Become a much-beloved patron on our Patreon and get yourself some merch at TeePublic!

YOUR HOSTS - The Caged Hearts

Linda Castro (aka “The Cheeze” aka “Scum Queen”) can usually be found biting her husband, watching Withnail and I or another 80’s movie, psychoanalyzing her animal friends, solving puzzles in the newspaper like a grandma boss, investigating UFO sightings, studying for her MS degree, and watching or reading her stories. Linda is not recommended for children. Talk to your dog to see if Linda is right for you.
Check out Linda’s other pod: Bedknobs and Broomflicks.
Go away! I am not supposed to be here. I am doing this entirely because a murderous drunken simian named ‘Al’ is trying to kill me. Though I do enjoy Nic Cage films I am more obsessed with crappy films(also Nic Cage films) and the golden age of porn (not Nic Cage?) I am an avid gamer, former blogger, recreational drinker, and fall asleep to the sound of my own screams. I also enjoy ice cream and pizza, though not together. I enjoy vinyl and tea, because coffee can go straight to hell. Speaking of which, did I mention my fondness for Satan?
Check out Donnie’s YouTube Channel, Wisdom in the Bottle.
ADRIAN smith
Adrian! He who was destined to be from his mother's side untimely torn! It was he who traveled through the bitter frost to the cursed forests, where he was also destined to meet the mysterious Linda and "The Donnie". Um, that quest sorta involved watching a lot of movies and drinking lots of Southern Comfort. Dude does them arts, too. Find his work at leothefox on deviantart.com and A.A. Smith on YouTube. Support his work on Patreon.
When he’s not working on the tech for the podcast, Al can be found drinking your liquor and humbling your mom. His other interests include: threatening Donnie and singing songs about Linda’s weight.