Day 4 Maniac Cop 1 & 2

Day 4 Maniac Cop!!!


Shame on you if you don't get that.

Also shame if you don't watch these.

So what do you get when you have people scared for their lives, and afraid of cops, because of a cop killing people? You get 2020, but I digress.

You ALSO get Maniac Cop!!!

Two movies I hadn't seen but always wanted to see. Actually that's partially true. I remember as a kid seeing parts of Maniac Cop 2 on tv. Enough I remember the name Cordell, and a police baton with a knife. Now thanks to adulthood and the internet. I can finally watch BOTH!! One with wonderful Joe Bob Briggs commentary even. How nifty!

So, you have a cop, who went a little over the line, the law says 'No', but murder cop says 'Yes', so after a workplace disagreement on proper procedure, and why killing is bad. Mr Bad Cop gets sent to naughty prison. It's there in naughty prison a few prisoners decide to show him how naughty showers can be. Which results in Bad Cop getting a face changer thanks to the prison metal shop program and the prisoners showing off the effectiveness of their shivs.

Bad cop serves his time and gets out, sort of. So what does he do? Well he goes on a 'Fuck you I was right' crusade and murders good upstanding people, and the people who put him there. Tom Atkins shows up during filming and decides he's going to be a good hero. Until he isn't and things go a bit badly.

So thankfully we have Bruce Mother Fucking Campbell in this bitch! His chin walks the mean streets, banging his coworker and telling his wife to take a chill pill. Which she does, until she doesn't.

So no one wants to believe this bad cop could do such things, because technically he's dead, but isn't. The jury is still out. Until they DO believe it's him and the movie comes to a fun climax I can't spoil.

So after Mr dead or alive bad cop is killed then comes back to life in the sequel(Oops I spoiled) we get a full on scarfaced burn victim is he a zombie or is he just beef jerky bad cop, ready to patrol the mean streets of Justice town all over again, while people are out trying to find him, again. Ashy Slashy returns for this one to collect a paycheck before the check clears and he goes on to whatever it is Sam Raimi is doing.

While crispy jerky cop is busy killing, this time helping criminals, he's having a bit of an identity crisis, and on the other end of the spectrum, we have lady cop trying to convince people she's not crazy, until something happens and she can no longer defend herself. So we get two heroes to follow in this and pursue vengeance/revenge/do good from bad stuff. Lost? Good, watch the movie and you'll see it makes sense. Somehow. Everything comes together in the prison that began it all and a wonderful dance number takes place leading us to the credits.

Not really but wouldn't that have made it awesome.

But how does this sequel hold up to the original, enough so that it can be considered almost better? Is it entirely because of Bruce Campbell?


Maniac Cop was a very quickly told story of an extreme cop going bad. Maniac Cop 2 gives more background, continues the story of the first two cops from the first film and transitions over to the next set of heroes while not feeling forced or half assed. You learn more about the people responsible for what happened, and why. It actually does well furthering the story, while still having fun with crazy ass killing. Granted with a bit less of the whole people not trusting cops and shooting them. It's worth hunting them down, and even MORE worth completely disregarding the existence of part 3. Seriously. Just cut your losses, feel good about yourself and having watched two great films about a cop killing people. A former cop. A former mostly dead cop. Zombie cop!!! There's a movie!!

But seriously check it out

Donnie Roberts1 Comment